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Tip 14: Building your Network

Using social advertising to build your following

Social platforms hold a huge amount of data on their users. While you cannot access personal data, this data can be used to target particular audiences making these social platforms great for advertising. 

Advertising can be used to increase your network of followers on the different social channels. Building your network of followers means that your posts can achieve  improved reach and interaction. In order to get the best engagement on your posts, it is necessary to have a big following, however, securing hundreds or thousands of followers doesn’t happen overnight. In order to build your following you  can use social advertising solutions. Advertising can be used to target people who will be interested in your messages and encourage them to follow you.

When first creating a business account, its sole purpose should be brand building and creating your story. Advertising then gets your brand message in front of your target market. Once you have a following, encouraging your direct audience to share, like and interact with your posts will mean that you will get more traffic to your page organically. For example every 10 followers who share could reach 10 more and so on and so on. Shares are typically the most valuable interactions while likes are often simply vanity metrics which have little bearing on lead generation or customer relations. That being said, likes can be leveraged in advertising campaigns to provide social proof and further grow your audience by targeting people with similar interests and backgrounds.

House Marketing can manage social advertising campaigns for your business. Get in touch to find out how we work and what you can expect from a social advertising campaign.

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