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Tip 16: Create a Journey

Creating a sales journey online…

When creating a website you want your traffic to be able to navigate your site easily. The information they have searched for should link directly to a certain page. Most people when searching the web will use keywords, it is essential to use these regularly searched words on your website, therefore leading your audience to a specific page on your website and able to quickly access the information they have searched for. 

Your website should provide a beginning to end journey for your customers. The information on your website should be set up as a funnel, in order for your traffic to be able to easily access the information they have searched for. This funnel should include clearly labelled tabs that are easy to navigate. If people find the process of looking for certain information slow and confusing they are more likely to continue their search somewhere else. Ensure your website provides your customers with direct information about your business, what you offer and how to get in touch. 

Elaborating on the above, you should offer your customers the option to enquire or get in touch in multiple places of your website and somewhere in either the header or the footer of the website so that they can easily contact you if they are looking for certain information without having to search  through several pages to find contact information. 

At House Marketing, we offer full website marketing solutions, including web design, building a full website and determining the UX strategy and applying the approach. Get in touch and see how we can help you today. 


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