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Tip 18: Share your News & Information

Using Blogs to build brand awareness and credibility

Blogging is a great way to build brand awareness. It gives your company a personality. Creating informative and engaging blog posts can help you to develop web presence and support in the recognition of your brand aligned with the subjects about which you blog. 

Blog posts should be relevant, the content you share could showcase businesses achievements and accomplishments, recognise and respond to news stories and events that are going on in the world, or provide thought leadership in your area of expertise. An example could be your business’s response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. 

In order to get the best exposure for your blog posts, the content should be edited to include keywords and phrases that your potential customers might be looking for. Search engines respond best to websites that are updated consistently with fresh content. Blogs can also help your website be discovered for more niche subject areas or particular messaging. To learn more about the benefits of SEO take a look at our blog post. 

Thought leadership blog posts should demonstrate that your company is knowledgeable in its field. Informative and helpful blog posts provide your customers with information that they can use while simultaneously providing credibility, reassuring your new customers that if they do choose to work with you, they will be in safe hands. 

House Marketing can create one off or regular blog content for your website. Get in touch to find out more.

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