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Tip 8: Be Remote Socially

Social media provides a means of building a remote or digital community.  Social media is one of the most dominant marketing channels of the modern day. Social platforms help businesses connect with their customers, can increase reach of messaging and through advertising can boost your leads and connections. 

Social media also allows a business to keep their existing clients and potential customers up to date with regular news.  Social advertising campaigns can be set up to enhance your organic reach and mean that messaging, posts and adverts can be directed to your desired target market. 

It is important to keep the length and style of posts appropriate to the social channel on which they are being shared. Each social platform has a limit of usable characters per post. You want to grab your market’s attention within these limitations and not sway too far from your point. 

The use of images and video on social media is popular. Videos is a particularly well consumed format and with the addition of subtitles allows your market to understand what you are promoting or advertising without always having to be able to listen to the audio. Your posts should aim to make people stop and think or engage. Essentially social PR is about grabbing the attention of your market and leading them to want to learn more. 

We will be expanding our social media tips in more detail next week with a full week on the theme of social media.  Follow our page or subscribe to keep up to date. 

Check out our other Tips for Marketing Remotely

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